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The Heathers Day Centre

Receiving a diagnosis of dementia doesn't mean life cannot be enjoyed. Our day centre at Hartlepool is the perfect place to socialise, explore new hobbies and receive the best possible support.

Day centre information

If you have a diagnosis of dementia or are having trouble with your memory, and are struggling to get out on your own and meet other people then The Heathers Day Centre is the place for you.

The day centre provides friendship, support, stimulation as well as respite for carers. We provide a safe, warm and welcoming environment.

Examples of activities & services:

  • Activities such as arts & crafts, baking, cooking, bingo and games
  • Singing and dancing
  • Quizzes
  • Gardening and woodwork
  • Cinema room
  • Reminiscing activities
  • On site wash room facilities
  • Accessible minibus transport to and from your home
  • Nutritious two course lunch with refreshments and snacks throughout the day

We aim to create opportunities for people to continue to enjoy their interests, as well as exploring new hobbies.

In addition to our day support, we also have a dedicated Family Support Worker. Being a caregiver can be rewarding, but it can also be demanding and stressful. It is crucial that anybody that cares for another also takes time to care for themselves.

Our Family Support Worker provides FREE information and advice to families with a person with memory loss or dementia. They can also provide practical support with issues and arrange regular social activities to help you meet other people in a similar situation.

Contact Us:

Telephone: 01429 279005

Email: hartlepool.daycentre@hospitalofgod.org.uk

Address: The Heathers, Heather Grove, Hartlepool, TS24 8QZ


Excellent care provided - I only have praise for the work done, we are fortunate to have such a caring, high quality facility.

Hospital of God Customer

Throughout the time mam spent with you, she received the most excellent care and support from the time she was collected to returning home. She was able to enjoy socialising and enjoying life and activities with you on each visit.

Carer of a Hartlepool Day Centre guest living with dementia

All the staff are excellent and have helped both me and my husband to continue getting out and about.

Community Pastimes Guest

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