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A long and proud history of philanthropy

The Hospital of God at Greatham has a long and proud philanthropic history of working with vulnerable people living in the North-East of England. This year, the regional charity celebrates its 750th anniversary.

The Hospital of God at Greatham has a long and proud philanthropic history of working with vulnerable people living in the North-East of England. This year, the regional charity celebrates its 750th anniversary.

The charity runs an annual small grants programme which provides funding to local community-based organisations. The aim of the funding is to empower local communities to help and support themselves creating and building on their strengths and assets, with a particular focus on those who are experiencing disadvantage. The grants programme also supports smaller and emerging local based groups with core and activity funding.

The Trustee’s Grants Committee this year allocated £100,000 of funding to 70 voluntary and community sector organisations. The organisations are based with the Hospital of God’s geographical area of focus which covers Stockton to Northumberland. Some of the organisations that received funding include:

The charity also supported Newcastle upon Tyne YMCA, who used their grant funding to contribute towards the salaries of 2 Youth Workers, who worked with young people aged 10-15 years in the Walker are of Newcastle to create healthy meals on a budget and develop recipe cards and food kits so they could cook for their friends and family. One participant said, “taking food home for my mam and sister and brother helps us as my mam does not have much” and another said, “I enjoy going to the YMCA and like doing things like cooking skills”.

The Hospital of God also has a specific element to their grants programme which is used to support voluntary and community sector organisations within Stockton-on-Tees. One of the organisations to benefit within this round of funding is Young at Heart ULO CIC, an organisation that provides regular activities and social opportunities for people living with dementia and their carers across the borough of Stockton-on-Tees.

Margaret Bousfield, Chair of the Grants Committee said, “The Hospital of God is a proud supporter of the voluntary and community sector in the North East, and we are pleased to continue to support a wide range of organisations who make a difference in our communities.

The Hospital of Grants Committee consider applications on an annual basis and the next round of funding opens on 1 December 2023 and closes at the end of January 2024, with funding issued in April 2024. Applications for grant funding can be accessed via www.hospitalofgod.org.uk/grants-programme.

Established in 1273 by Bishop Robert de Stichell, the Hospital of God employs over 100 staff and its portfolio of services span:

Photograph shows young people enjoyed a cooking session with YMCA Newcastle.

Supporting our communities for 750 years