Keep up to date with what's going on within our organisation and the events we have planned within our communities.
Jul 18, 2021
Update for visitors to our care homes
The government has decided that the country will move to “Step Four” of the easing of lockdown restrictions as of 19th July 2021
May 26, 2021
Information Around Out of Home Visits in Stichell House and Gretton
We have recently updated our policy around out of home visits for residents at Gretton Court & Stichell House.
Dec 16, 2020
Grant Applications are open!
We are beginning to accept applications for our latest round of grants which takes place in February 2021.
Jul 16, 2020
July 2020 Grants Update
Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Trustees took the decision to suspend the normal grants application process and focus on providing help where possible to our local community.
Jul 01, 2020
5 Challenging Dementia Behaviours Explained
Teepa Snow has a new blog called '5 Challenging Dementia Behaviors Explained'.
May 20, 2020
Wellbeing and Mental Health During Covid-19
A guide to looking after yourselves and others.
May 04, 2020
What is Mindfulness and can it work for you?
There is a lot of talk around mindfulness at the moment and how it can help with the current situation we are all dealing with.