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From apartments to cottages, we provide supported housing in a friendly and caring community, where older people are encouraged to live full and active lives.

Trinity Gardens

The Trinity Gardens Almshouses became part of the Hopsital of God in July 2010. Since then we have converted most of the old bedsits into a smaller number of one and two bedroom flats.

Emma Simpson Court

The Emma Simpson Court Almshouses are for people over 60 years of age with modest financial needs. We assess the needs of applicants and try to match them to the property.


The Hospital of God has 65 almshouses in Greatham. The houses are varied, some being bungalows, others flats and others apartments.

Fox Almshouses

Situated in their own beautiful grounds just set back from Norton High Street. Residents find the proximity of Norton High Street and all its facilities particularly convenient.

Supporting our communities for 750 years